"So you're wondering who exactly we are. Let us fill you in."

Our Purpose
Goldfish Studios is a boutique transformational training consultancy started in 2013 with a clear purpose to redefine education and learning. We believe that everybody is unique with their own individual gifts and talents. As such, we want to help people discover themselves and find their greater purpose in life.
What We Do
We help to facilitate this process of discovery by conducting experiential workshops with an emphasis on discussion, personal reflection, and clear actionable personal-takeaways to actually bring about changes: not just in mindset, but also in behaviour.
Our Mission
All of us have experienced boring workshops and seminars, where we can hardly remember anything useful afterwards. At Goldfish Studios, we aim to change that by making our workshops engaging, relevant, fun, and most importantly, transformational.
Our Policy
Let's be honest. What's the last workshop you attended? What do remember from it? Did you actually enjoy it? Research shows that we forget almost all of what we learn, unless we have a chance to practise it. At Goldfish Studios, we have a "talk less, practice more" policy with the workshops we run, and it works really well.